
In our kitchen, we cook using high-quality ingredients from Czech farmers from the Pilsen Region.

Joma - Mini Milkshop

The Martíneks breed dairy cattle and make extraordinary and tasty dairy products.

Pilsen Fish Tanks

The Pilsen fish tanks have been located

directly in the compounds of the Pilsen Waterworks since 2015. They breed salmonoid fish, such as speckled trout, river trout, or rainbow trout. Their speciality is breeding sturgeons.

Mlýn Podhora

Mlýn Podhora is a building with two ponds, situated in a valley surrounded by fields and conifer forests. The Krůs family has been growing vegetables here since 1922.

Ledce Farm

We cooperate with the family farm in Ledce close to Pilsen. You can try, for example, pickled sausages or meat prepared in beer.

Vejce ze Šumavy

Mr. Tesca breeds chickens on a small farm in the Šumava Mountains region. His laying hens are fed grain and cereal without any additives and pharmaceuticals.

Our partners

Vážení návštěvníci,

od 5. do 9. března se můžete v Hospodě Na Spilce těšit na speciální Zabijačkové speciality!

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